Wednesday 25 November 2020



So what are abs exercises?
Abdominal exercise is a type of strength exercise that affects our abdominal muscles. basically our abdominal consists of four muscles which are rectus, internal oblique, external oblique, and transverses abdominal. while performing this exercise we should know its effects, the types, and how to perform it. 

Effects of abs exercise 

 1-Abdominal exercises are useful for building abdominal muscle.
 2-it is used full for improving with certain sports, back pain, and have a     good posture.
 3- it is also useful in reducing fat.

now I will tell you which exercises are important to build good abs.

                     REVERSE CRUNCH

The reverse crunch is an intermediate level of exercise and it is one of the most popular forms of abs exercise. in this exercise, your upper body remains at the mat surface as you squeeze your legs to the chest. It helps in getting the deep lower abs. this exercise will activate your major abs muscle. A strong core is a basis for improving your sports. maintaining your balance and good stability and make this your routine and it will surely help you.

Try to do 10 reps in a single set and do it four times (4*10).


The seated rotation is the exercise that helps to build your abs muscles. this exercise is eventually for all the beginners and a great source of strength. it is very exercise and everyone can do. first of all, you have to get seated on the mat and try to be seated on your hips and make your body equilibrium to that position and then hold your hands in a joint position and try to move left and right and do many repetitions as you can do. 

Try to do 15 reps in a set and do it three times (3*15).


Bicycle crunches are the best form of abs exercise and it's like the master of all abs exercise. In this exercise, you have to lie on your back with finger interlaced, hands on the top of the head. some parts of the body are to be flexed at 90 degrees and the lower legs are parallel to the ground. Bring our left knee and right foot joint each other and right knees and left leg joint. Do it multiple times. 

Try to do 20 reps in a set of three times (3*20).


The side hip bridge with bend knees is an excellent lift to develop the muscle which is one of the many key muscles in gains the legs as well as stabilizing hips in particular and lower extremities in general. in this exercise, you have to lay on the ground at the side position and keep your whole body balance at your arm and move your hips up and down and do it many times.

Try to do 15 reps in a set of three times (3*15).


The bird dog plank is a simple core exercise that improves stability, encourages a neutral spine, and relieves lower back pain. It strength your cores, hips, and back muscle. it also promotes proper posture and increases the range of motion. it is suitable for all people of all levels, including seniors, and used to prevent injuries and recover back pain.
first of fall begins on all four in the tabletop position and place your knees under the hips by engaging your abdominal muscle. raise your left arm and right leg, holding this position for a few seconds. Do it multiple times.  

Try to do 10 reps in a set of three times (3*10).



  1. Ngl it really works
    The exercise are perfect for the ans routine.
    Evn a beginner can do it
    Nice work mate :)


Superman pushups

                   SUPERMAN PUSHUPS superman push-up is a workout practice that fundamentally focuses on the abs and less significantly add...